Friday, 4 September 2009

I should never have purchased!

I should never have purchased!

Just last week I purchased a useful item that I believed would assist in the cleaning of my fabricated white shoes, on the label of the item the information expressed the capability of the shoe cleaner and how through following the instructions the shoes can be restored to there original form. This was a blatant lie. After one scrub on the white fabricated shoe not only had the stains engraved them selves further but they had also expanded across the shoe, making it harder and harder for the stains to be removed. I would not have purchased the item if I would have known that the shoes would only be stained further, but the examples and information clearly stated that the stains on fabricated shoes could be removed by applying the liquid and scrubbing. This item cost me four pounds and ninety nine pence, with this amount of money I could have found something far more practical and possibly would have still had change to spare. Because I have already opened the item and it has been used and exposed there is no way of me returning this item to the shop, and I personally believe that the shop was glad to get rid of such a useless item. If ever I find the need to get fabricated cleaning adhesive I will be sure to look around a lot more and not go back for the same product as before, I also plan to inform all of my friends on the uselessness of the item and advice for them to not go and get it them selves.

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